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  • Bring and Buy Books Sale

Bring and Buy Books Sale

  • 4 Apr 2023
  • 10:30 AM - 3:00 PM (CEST)
  • RBL Clubroom

How about a good old-fashioned Bring and Buy Books Sale (with yummy cakes too!)?

Tea or coffee with home made cake will be provided for the price of €3.  All proceeds will go to our new mini-library.

The following Terms and Conditions apply!!!!

Because we have no storage at the RBL Clubroom and because we do not have a team of servants, it is ESSENTIAL, that if anything you bring to sell is left over when you are ready to leave, that you take it back home with you.

Time to be confirmed but it will probably be all day.


The British and Commonwealth Women's Association

Maison de la Vie Associative et CitoyenneBoite 86 - BCWA, 28 rue Laure Diebold 75008, Paris


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